welcome to this creative corner of the internet and into the mind of glnnk (Finn Glink). He invites you to follow him into the world through his lens, a peek behind the curtain and a glimpse into the art of his work.
with more than 15 years of experience in the creative industry, glnnk is a powerhouse for content creation. with a keen eye for visual storytelling, he will accompany you as your guide through his creative workflow.
his display is his canvas and light are the colors he paints with. whether it’s capturing breathtaking landscapes or telling captivating stories, his cinematography is a passion surpassed only by his interest in photography , which he considers total creative freedom. adding to this, glnnk can not only create art with his camera, but also with his trusty editing software. through his self taught motion design skills, which encompass everything from simple keyframe animations up to custom built templates & complex expressions, glnnk is able to turn any crazy idea into a vibrant reality.
besides all things photo & motion, glnnk also prides himself on being a full time nerd when it comes to crafting, model building and 3D printing, alas it is only logical that glnnk would also produce the soundtracks to his own video projects and turn his thoughts into soundwaves to be enjoyed in a moment of solace.